Our recovery team meets every Wednesday to review and discuss our current tasks and work projects underway. We use this time to plan and debrief as a team and we prepare our agendas for our weekly ISC and EMBC calls where we put forward funding requests for recovery projects. We have recently moved our ISC EMAP calls to bi weekly calls. As a team we have been working on closing out recovery projects that are now wrapped up and all work completed. We recently secured approvals for:
- Emergency communication devices (GPS equipped with call and text capability) for residents along Highway 8. The purpose of these devices is to give members the ability to communicate during an emergency when phone and internet lines go down. We will be developing an Emergency Communications Plan for these devices with a training session on how to use the devices for each household receiving them.
- Sweathouse funding secured to rebuild two sweathouses
- Covered Disability Ramp and handicap renovation
- Tank Creek bridge purchase
- Flood plain mapping geo hazard assessment proposal approved and expanded to include Spius Creek
- Extension of Recovery Team to end of March 2023
We have received a DRAFT feasibility study from Mcelhanney on the proposed subdivision. This is currently being reviewed by our team and chief and council. We plan to present this document to the community as soon as its finalized. We are in active discussion with KWL Engineering firm and ISC around mitigation plans for Shackelly Road. We will be meeting with NLX health newly hired Emergency Program Coordinator to do introductions to our team and also to discuss emergency management between communities and preparedness. We are working on a draft budget for emergency preparedness kits and fire safety kits for each home and are in planning stages to host an emergency preparedness meeting with community to review Nooaitch's emergency response plan and have guests from other organizations with a background in emergency preparedness give some presentations around emergency preparedness at a family and community level.
Download the Recovery Team Report presented at the February 2023 general meeting.